Monday, March 3, 2008

Announcing Senator Chris Buttars Costume Party Fundraiser

You are formally invited to attend the First Annual April Fools Day Birthday Fundraiser for Utah State Senator, Chris Buttars (R-SD 10).

Where: MoDigitty's 3424 S State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: (801) 832-9000

When: April 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Why: Because we love him

Attire: Wear any costume of your choice, but door prizes will only be awarded to those in black-face and white robes

Come one, come all, to celebrate the birthday of this wonderful Utah public servant whose words and actions have enlightened us all!


Kailash Chand said...

Wow…… cool blog…. I really appreciate this blog…. I have my personal website on party fun tools like bar accessories, furniture for party animal.

Anonymous said...

This is a dark, black and ugly topic. This webiste should be shut down unless you get a permit from Janetta Williams.

Do not mention her weight.

Anonymous said...

Janetta will have to... weight... a long time for me to ask for anything J-MAN